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We aspire to maintain industry leadership in innovation, product integrity, service standards and corporate social responsibility.



  • We inspire and engage our team members to strive for product innovation and operational excellence.
  • We will embrace and invest in game changing technology to build multi classification capabilities and to stay in forefront of apparel industry.
  • We believe in building talents and create a positive and progressive work environment while striking a good work-life balance for all employees.
  • We are committed to driving green initiatives for sustainable manufacturing.
  • We strive to achieve sustainable profitability and optimize returns to our investors.



Our employees are our greatest assets. We will grow, engage and inspire them for productive and fruitful career journey.

We are committed and sincere with true partnership values and delivered to all our stakeholders.
Passion for Excellence
Passion for Excellence
We are passionate about achieving excellence in everything we do, and striving for results beyond expectation.
We value synergistic contribution of partnership and committed to be a trusted partner in sustainable manufacturing.
Customer Focus
Customer Focus

We listen, understand and
anticipate our customer needs besides delivering superior experience in terms of value, quality and satisfaction.

Corporate Citizen
Corporate Citizen

We are committed to being a responsible corporate citizen in improving the communities and protecting quality of environment where we live and work.